Fwd: 13th MATTADOR International Screenwriting Award 2021/2022

We are pleased to inform you that the *Mattador International Screenplay Award dedicated to Matteo Caenazzo *and addressed to young *authors aged 16 to 30 *has officially opened registrations for the Thirteenth Edition 2021/2022. We will be grateful if you would disseminate this announcement as widely as possible through your channels.
Participants shall submit their papers on the iscrizioni.premiomattador.it <iscrizioni.premiomattador.it/>web platform starting *from February 15 until April 15, 2022*. Detailed competition rules are already available on www.premiomattador.it/regolamento-premio-mattador-2022/ <www.premiomattador.it/regolamento-premio-mattador-2022/>
This year two *novelties* have been introduced into the *Corto86* and *Dolly “Screenwriting with Pictures” *Sections which expand and strengthen the Award’s constant commitment in supporting and enhancing new talents.
We thank you in advance for the support you may kindly give to the Prize – and even more to the young authors. We remain available to provide any further information.
Full informative material is attached to this announcement.
Kind regards
/Mattator Cultural Association/
*MATTADOR International Screenplay Award*
Registered Office Via Vignola 4 / Operational Headquarters Via Piccardi 27
34141 Trieste
Phone +39 040 2333401
info@premiomattador.it <mailto:info@premiomattador.it> – www.premiomattador.it <www.premiomattador.it/>
Facebook <www.facebook.com/PremioMattador>/ Twitter/ YouTube <www.youtube.com/user/PREMIOMATTADOR>
Participants shall submit their papers on the iscrizioni.premiomattador.it <iscrizioni.premiomattador.it/>web platform starting *from February 15 until April 15, 2022*. Detailed competition rules are already available on www.premiomattador.it/regolamento-premio-mattador-2022/ <www.premiomattador.it/regolamento-premio-mattador-2022/>
This year two *novelties* have been introduced into the *Corto86* and *Dolly “Screenwriting with Pictures” *Sections which expand and strengthen the Award’s constant commitment in supporting and enhancing new talents.
We thank you in advance for the support you may kindly give to the Prize – and even more to the young authors. We remain available to provide any further information.
Full informative material is attached to this announcement.
Kind regards
/Mattator Cultural Association/
*MATTADOR International Screenplay Award*
Registered Office Via Vignola 4 / Operational Headquarters Via Piccardi 27
34141 Trieste
Phone +39 040 2333401
info@premiomattador.it <mailto:info@premiomattador.it> – www.premiomattador.it <www.premiomattador.it/>
Facebook <www.facebook.com/PremioMattador>/ Twitter