11 Apr.

WG: City Work Open Call ‚Stadtarbeit‘ – submit your project by April 23!

In 2018 <www.viennadesignweek.at/festival.php> Vienna Design Week is inviting students and alumni of the Kunstschule to participate in the Social Design open call ’Stadtarbeit’ by submitting a project proposal to participate in the 2018 festival.
Submissions close 23 April 2018!
The Stadtarbeit format is a highly rewarding and participatory aspect of the festival, which launches meaningful, sustainable projects. The Stadtarbeit Open Call features projects that work with social design and urbanity. Projects should address a social topic or question in a design context. Students can submit an existing project or develop a new concept for the festival.
More information: OPEN CALL <www.viennadesignweek.at/opencalls.php?lang_id=en> ENGLISH OPEN CALL GERMAN <www.viennadesignweek.at/opencalls.php?lang_id=de>
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me! Kind regards, Nadia Brandstätter ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Nadia Brandstätter Project Manager M +43 676 944 80 22 n.b@viennadesignweek.at <mailto:n.b@viennadesignweek.at> Rechte Wienzeile 29/2B 1040 Vienna T +43 1 890 63 93 office@viennadesignweek.at <mailto:office@viennadesignweek.at> www.viennadesignweek.at <www.viennadesignweek.at/> <bueronardin.com/share/vdw/vdw18-signatur-logo-8-5.jpg>

Open Call „Stadtarbeit“: Submit your project till April 23, 2018!
<mailchi.mp/97b5c68bbc61/8n4t4qcvr2?e=42068a880e> View this email in your browser


(c) bueronardin

Open Call „Stadtarbeit“ – City Work Submit your project!

Dear friends of the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK,
we invite designers / architects / artists / city planners / community strategists / professional creatives / developers / critical thinkers / sociologists and urban enthusiasts, to submit their ideas, concepts and projects that deal with social design and urban topics for the format ‘Stadtarbeit’ or City Work as part of the <viennadesignweek.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a5e3aacbff00b6f5a11de0ff9&id=7e1052a985&e=42068a880e> VIENNA DESIGN WEEK.
City Work as part of VIENNA DESIGN WEEK is supported by the <viennadesignweek.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a5e3aacbff00b6f5a11de0ff9&id=e5622c1f73&e=42068a880e> ExtraVALUE Sponsoring Programme of Erste Bank.
All information on participation in the City Work format and the associated <viennadesignweek.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a5e3aacbff00b6f5a11de0ff9&id=784c6b9835&e=42068a880e> ExtraVALUE sponsoring programme of Erste Bank can be found here:

<viennadesignweek.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a5e3aacbff00b6f5a11de0ff9&id=983191d262&e=42068a880e> Submission Documents

Submission ends on the 23rd of April 2018!
We look forward to receiving your projects! For further questions please contact the Project Manager <mailto:n.b@viennadesignweek.at> Nadia Brandstätter.
With kind regards, the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK team


Stadtarbeit-Projekt DRAWING PUBLIC SPACE by ECÒL (IT) (c) Maria Noisternig/Kollektiv Fischka

VIENNA DESIGN WEEK Since 2007, every autumn for ten days, VIENNA DESIGN WEEK turns Vienna into a “City full of Design”, providing communities, individuals and creatives with a platform for design. In 2017, more than 34,000 visitors visited over 100 events, concentrated in an annually changing Focus District, offering visitors a refreshing take on a specific area of the city. This year, the focus district is also the target area of the format Stadtarbeit . Stadtarbeit is an opportunity to deal with a dynamic and constantly changing topic; Social Design.
WHAT IS STADTARBEIT? Since its debut in 2012, with the support of the <viennadesignweek.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a5e3aacbff00b6f5a11de0ff9&id=8ff0bae070&e=42068a880e> Erste Bank ExtraVALUE Sponsoring Programme and in partnership with <viennadesignweek.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a5e3aacbff00b6f5a11de0ff9&id=b182d417ad&e=42068a880e> Caritas, Stadtarbeit has provided a crucial space for a growing dialogue and critical exchange on social issues and questions in a design context. For ten days, the focus district is turned into a hub of urban exploration and social innovation. Applicants can apply to participate in the festival with a social design project until the 23rd of April.

Projects from the previous year


Stadtarbeit-Project ADMIRABEL – WAS KOSTET by Cosima Terrasse, Veronika Hackl, Andrea Visotschnig (AT) (c) Daniela Jakob/Kollektiv Fischka

ADMIRABEL – WAS KOSTET Last year’s winning Stadtarbeit project was a mobile betting (gambling) performance that encouraged participants to use creative means for making bets – where neither money nor goods were exchanged. The creativity of the bets and the value of the winnings were the cornerstones of a successful bet that had to be negotiated between the punters. Behind every bet was the effort to improve the everyday – a mechanism to bring people together and to encourage social change. The finale was a betting brunch where the best and most creative bets of the festival were presented and new ones were created.
„The winning project of the Erste Bank ExtraVALUE Design Award 2017 was characterized by a very good conceptual approach, which was implemented excellently, using creative means. Above all, the design of the action, the slowing down of the betting process and the moderation of the negotiation with or between the betting parties, showed a playful as well as a well thought out artistically conceived process. “ Jury verdict.


Stadtarbeit-Project DRAWING PUBLIC SPACE by ECÒL (IT) (c) Maria Noisternig/Kollektiv Fischka

As part of Stadtarbeit, the project DRAWING PUBLIC SPACE by the Italian architecture and research platform ECÒL, featured the creation of a large-scale drawing or pattern of graphic symbols in a public square in the focus district Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus.
Using colored tapes, lines and paths inspired new movements of people in the public space, encouraging spontaneous interactions in the square and in the surrounding neighborhood.
The project, which was awarded the Erste Bank AddedValue Design Recognition Award 2017, ended with a block party at the newly designed space and a subsequent collective demolition performance.

Further inquiries for Stadtarbeit: Nadia Brandstätter M: <mailto:n.b@viennadesignweek.at> n.b@viennadesignweek.at

Our mailing address is: <mailto:office@viennadesignweek.at> office@viennadesignweek.at
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VIENNA DESIGN OFFICE · Rechte Wienzeile 29/2B · Vienna 1040 · Austria <viennadesignweek.us5.list-manage.com/track/open.php?u=a5e3aacbff00b6f5a11de0ff9&id=53cef823a0&e=42068a880e>

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