03 Nov.

Tint Journal | Open Call #11 – Prose, Poetry & Art

Ausschreibungsfrist: 30.11.2023

Tint Journal is again open for submissions! Submit your short stories, creative nonfiction essays, flash and poetry in English as your second or non-native language, as well as your artworks at submissions@tintjournal.com until November 30, 2023 (CET midnight) to be considered for their 11th issue, Tint Spring ‘24.

In view of the diverse backgrounds of Tint’s contributing writers, any subject matter which does not violate their values of acceptance and inclusivity is welcome. Review the submission guidelines at tintjournal.com/submit and the previous issues to find out what the literary magazine is looking for. Pieces which do not follow these guidelines will not be considered. Open Call #11 Tint Journal

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