15 Dez

Fwd: Invisible Lines

*Hier ein Call für **comics, graphic novel, und illustration.* *LG* *Eliane*
——– Weitergeleitete Nachricht ——– Betreff: Invisible Lines Datum: Tue, 15 Dec 2020 10:55:07 +0100 Von: Civiltà Comparate <civilta.comparate@cini.it> An: direktion@kunstschule.wien

Dear Ms.Huber-Irikawa,
I am Francesco Piraino, Director of the Centre of Comparative Studies of Civilizations and Spiritualities <www.cini.it/en/institutes-and-centres/civilta-e-spiritualita-comparate>at the Giorgio Cini Foundation in Venice.
I hope this message finds you well.
I am writing to you to introduce you our project /Invisible Lines,/ focused on *comics, graphic novel, and illustration*.
This project is co-founded by the European Union (Creative Europe program) and co-organized with Associazione Hamelin (Italy), Central Vapeur (France) and Baobab Books (Czech Republic).
The Invisible Lines’ project is an itinerant training for young artists, who will be selected through a call for artists <invisiblelines.eu/call>. The selected ones will attend the workshops of Stefano Ricci, Yvan Alagbé and Juraj Horvàth, and produce original artwork to be showcased at our partners festivals.
The read thread of our project is drawing the invisible: understood from social, spatial, and spiritual points of view.
The call for artists is open and you can find it on www.invisiblelines.eu <www.invisiblelines.eu/>. The project also has a Facebook page: _Invisible Lines – Home | Facebook <www.facebook.com/invisiblelinesproject/>_
We hope that you might be interested in this project, and you might help us in spreading the call for artists among your contacts. We are aiming to attract a diversified pool of artists across different countries.
Thanks in advance, and we hope this can be the first step for possible future collaborations between our organizations.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thanks and best wishes,
Francesco Piraino

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