11 Apr

Fw: Artalpha Art Residency, Romania

Hier ist eine Ausschreibung einer Residency in Rumänien. Gesucht werden junge Maler und Malerinnen. Vielleicht interessant für einige von euch? LG Eliane
—– Original Message —– From: ioana p To: office@kunstschule.wien Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2018 8:39 PM Subject: Artalpha Art Residency, Romania
My name is Ioana Palamar and I am Assistant Lecturer at ,,George Enescu” Fine Arts University from Iasi, Romania. Together with my colleagues, who are also teachers at this university, are supporting Artapha Art Residency which consists in inviting young painters who have already finished their studies and would like to create a complex and interesting art project in a new country, in a new environment, during a month. The main aim is to share new ideas and experiences between international painters, the students from Fine Arts University and the painters from Iasi.
More information is to be found on this website:

Information about our university is to be found here:

Thank you in advance for your time.
Kind regards,
Ioana Palamar
Visual artist
Assistant Lecturer
George Enescu Fine Arts University, Iasi, Romania
cell: +40749674216

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