Designwettbewerb Opportunity for all creative souls – Best in Design 2024!

*Subject*: *The designer competition is here!*
Dear Designer,
Do you want to show the world what you’re made of and let your work shine? If so, we have a tailor-made opportunity for you! The application process for the next year of the international competition *Best in Design*, <>held under the auspices of the *Zlin Design Week* <>festival, has just started. So fill in the application form and take your first step to kick-start your career!
Best in Design is a competition that gives young designers like you a chance to showcase your talent, get feedback, meet other designers from different parts of the world, make new contacts, and last but not least, get financial support for your work.
How much money are we talking about? The financial rewards in each category range from €200 to €500. However, the best of the best across the categories will take home an *extra €1,000* and the *title Best in Design 2024* in addition to the €500 for 1st place in their category.
The contest is being held in four categories:
* *Product & Industrial Design *– **product design, interior and furniture design, tool and equipment design and more, * *Fashion Design *– **design of clothing, design of textiles, design of footwear and accessories, design of jewelry and more, * *Communication Design *– graphic design and illustration, new media, visual communication and intermedia, web animation and more, * *Service Design *– **complex designs of processes, technologies, and interactions that control the delivery of services and more.
You will get feedback and support not only from experts from the design world but also from well-known *media representatives*!
So, do you want to be Best in Design?
The conditions of the competition are simple:
* the upper limit of entering is 30 years * your submitted work must not be older than two years, * there is no limit to the number of works you can enter, * you can compete individually or as a team, * *entering is entirely FREE!*
If you want to make the most of all those hours you’ve spent on your projects, click *here* <>to fill out the application form. It costs you nothing, and you can only gain. The closing date for entries is*February 4, 2024*. You can find all the information about the competition rules here <>. If there is anything unclear to you, do not hesitate to contact the competition manager <>, Eliška Janečková.
And to make sure you don’t miss anything, don’t forget to follow updates and news on our website <>, Instagram <>or Facebook <>.
We look forward to your application and seeing you in Zlín!
/Best in Design Team/
Dear Designer,
Do you want to show the world what you’re made of and let your work shine? If so, we have a tailor-made opportunity for you! The application process for the next year of the international competition *Best in Design*, <>held under the auspices of the *Zlin Design Week* <>festival, has just started. So fill in the application form and take your first step to kick-start your career!
Best in Design is a competition that gives young designers like you a chance to showcase your talent, get feedback, meet other designers from different parts of the world, make new contacts, and last but not least, get financial support for your work.
How much money are we talking about? The financial rewards in each category range from €200 to €500. However, the best of the best across the categories will take home an *extra €1,000* and the *title Best in Design 2024* in addition to the €500 for 1st place in their category.
The contest is being held in four categories:
* *Product & Industrial Design *– **product design, interior and furniture design, tool and equipment design and more, * *Fashion Design *– **design of clothing, design of textiles, design of footwear and accessories, design of jewelry and more, * *Communication Design *– graphic design and illustration, new media, visual communication and intermedia, web animation and more, * *Service Design *– **complex designs of processes, technologies, and interactions that control the delivery of services and more.
You will get feedback and support not only from experts from the design world but also from well-known *media representatives*!
So, do you want to be Best in Design?
The conditions of the competition are simple:
* the upper limit of entering is 30 years * your submitted work must not be older than two years, * there is no limit to the number of works you can enter, * you can compete individually or as a team, * *entering is entirely FREE!*
If you want to make the most of all those hours you’ve spent on your projects, click *here* <>to fill out the application form. It costs you nothing, and you can only gain. The closing date for entries is*February 4, 2024*. You can find all the information about the competition rules here <>. If there is anything unclear to you, do not hesitate to contact the competition manager <>, Eliška Janečková.
And to make sure you don’t miss anything, don’t forget to follow updates and news on our website <>, Instagram <>or Facebook <>.
We look forward to your application and seeing you in Zlín!
/Best in Design Team/