12 Nov.

Assistance required for a painting – urgent

Liebe Alle, hier leite ich euch eine Anfrage weiter. Wenn wer Interesse daran hat, bitte setzt euch möglichst schnell direkt mit Herrn Petros H’Pieros in Verbindung unter Tel. 06506418258 oder Piero H <pier2506@yahoo.com> LG Eliane

My name is Petros H’Pieros, originally from Greece,living in Wien since 2016.
I need to make a present to a very special person and the idea is to create a painting on canvas, preferably 40cm x 50cm (size is not critical) using acrylic paints and the subject is:
”As a child I loved small light blue butterfly, with small violet point
Like a powder colour, on a big field with simple flowers”
I am looking for a student with whom we can do this together, it should NOT look professionally made, but what is important is the love and attention we will put into it.
My German is not good so the student (he or she) shall speak English (or Russian, or Spanish, or Greek)
The project is preferably to take place at my apartment (Meidling)or at your school, but I shall take pictures of the canvas at various stages of its completion. I have a good Staffelei but not paints or brushes
I need the painting to be completed, by the end of this week, 0r by middle of next week latest!
I can pay up to apprx 200 euro.
Please let me know as soon as possible by email or even better by phone (06506418258)
I thank you so much for your kind assistance and help. I really appreciate this
Kind regards

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