18 Mrz

Fwd: 14th Mattador International Screenplay Award: Open for submissions

——– Weitergeleitete Nachricht ——– Betreff: 14th Mattador International Screenplay Award: Open for submissions Datum: Fri, 17 Mar 2023 10:43:42 +0100 Von: diffusione@premiomattador.it Antwort an: diffusione@premiomattador.it An: Diffusione Mattador <diffusione@premiomattador.it>

Dear Sirs,
We are pleased to inform you that the *Mattador International Screenplay Award dedicated to Matteo Caenazzo *and addressed to young *authors aged from 16 to 30 *has officially opened registrations for the Fourteenth Edition 2022/2023. We will be grateful if you would disseminate this announcement as widely as possible through your channels.
Participants shall submit their papers on the iscrizioni.premiomattador.it <iscrizioni.premiomattador.it/>web platform starting *from February 15 until April 15, 2023*. Detailed competition rules are already available on www.premiomattador.it/mattador-competition-rules-2022-2023/ <www.premiomattador.it/mattador-competition-rules-2022-2023/>
We thank you in advance for the support you may kindly give to the Prize and even more to the young authors. We remain available to provide any further information.
Full informative material is attached to this announcement.
Kind regards
/ /
/Mattator Cultural Association/
*MATTADOR International Screenplay Award* Registered Office Via Vignola 4 / Operational Headquarters Via Piccardi 27 34141 Trieste Phone +39 040 2333401 info@premiomattador.it <mailto:info@premiomattador.it>- www.premiomattador.it <www.premiomattador.it/> Facebook <www.facebook.com/PremioMattador>/ Twitter / YouTube <www.youtube.com/user/PREMIOMATTADOR>

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