18 Okt.

Fwd: The 10th-Anniversary Edition of ANIMAFANTASIA FESTIVAL 2021 Announces Dates and Call for Submissions


——– Weitergeleitete Nachricht ——– Betreff: The 10th-Anniversary Edition of ANIMAFANTASIA FESTIVAL 2021 Announces Dates and Call for Submissions Datum: Mon, 18 Oct 2021 11:56:35 +0300 Von: Anima Fantasia <animafantasia.official.2021@gmail.com> An: info@escac.es, gabriela.krecova@ujep.cz, mferro@porto.ucp.pt, contact@esma-montpellier.com, animation@rca.ac.uk, info@heaj.be, kirjaamo@aalto.fi, office@kunstschule.wien, info@fh-ooe.at, dekanat@adu.hr, it.info@hiof.no, info@saestockholm.se, kommunikation@uadm.uu.se, lacambre@lacambre.be, info@filmuniversitaet.de, beratung@games-academy.de, info@iama-halle.de, stuttgart@sae.edu, muenchen@sae.edu, leipzig@sae.edu, hamburg@sae.edu, koeln@sae.edu, frankfurt@sae.edu, berlin@sae.edu, info@aas.gr, info@iadt.ie, info@bcfe.cdvec.ie, segreteria@scuolanemo.com, roma@scuolacomics.it, firenze@scuolacomics.it

Dear friends,
As we plan for our 2021 Animafantasia Festival and with submissions now open (from October 15th through November 25th), we wanted to give you an early insight into how we are thinking. This is not an announcement, but rather an invitation into the process of building something together this year.
We are thrilled to announce that the 10^th -anniversary edition of /I//nternational Student Animated Film Festival Animafantasia///will take place in Iassy City (Romania) from December 1^st through December 10^th,  2021. We are lucky to have as our creed a well-defined and one decade-long mission of championing the independent voice of animation creators.
That mission-driven by our values of inclusion, equity, and accessibility — becomes more important with every passing day. And we have you — this community — which over the years has empowered us to do something extraordinary in Iassy. With these elements, magic can surely happen.
We imagined a different landscape for independent artists, one where the work they wished to make could be developed and supported outside of the studio system. We created a new space for imaginative possibility and a creative community. We call that space Animafantasia.
At the centre of all our planning, the 2021 Animafantasia Festival will have an online home, we will have an edition respectful of the public health situation, responsive to the moment, and reimagined in and for extraordinary times.
Our hope for this edition of the Animafantasia Festival is that through a multiplicity of perspectives held by artists and audiences in their various communities we will also come to feel the power of bringing people together through the arts.
/Please follow the links/ below /for further information:/
filmfreeway.com/InternationalStudentAnimatedFilmAnimafantasiaFestival <filmfreeway.com/InternationalStudentAnimatedFilmAnimafantasiaFestival>
festivals.festhome.com/festival_dashboard <festivals.festhome.com/festival_dashboard>
www.animation-festivals.com/festivals/international-student-animated-film-animafantasia-festival/ <www.animation-festivals.com/festivals/international-student-animated-film-animafantasia-festival/>
gsphvq.webwave.dev/ <gsphvq.webwave.dev/>
web.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100016137246967 <web.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100016137246967>
If you have any questions, email us.
All the best!
Animafantasia Team

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