05 Feb

Fwd: 12th MATTADOR Award – DOLLY “Screenwriting with Pictures”

——– Weitergeleitete Nachricht ——– Betreff: 12th MATTADOR Award – DOLLY “Screenwriting with Pictures” Datum: Fri, 5 Feb 2021 11:04:38 +0100 Von: Carmela Carbone <carmela.premiomattador@gmail.com> An: carmela.premiomattador@gmail.com

Intestazione DOLLY- small.jpg
Dear *Ladies and Gentlemen*,
The 12^th edition of Mattador International Screenwriting Award has officially started.
As you may know, our Award is dedicated to Matteo Caenazzo, a young and talented man from Trieste who graduated in Decorative Painting and studied Cinema at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice before his premature death on 28^th  June 2009.
The Award is addressed to *Italian and foreign screenwriters aged 16-30*, and aims at discovering and supporting young talents while giving them the opportunity to interact with industry professionals, who can provide them with a direct contact with the working reality.
We kindly ask you help in spreading the word about the Competition.
Among the *four Award sections*, we would like to bring to your attention the *DOLLY Award “Screenwriting with pictures”*, intended for young authors who are able to develop, starting from an original concept, narrative images that combine both a graphic and narrative dimension.
The winner of *Dolly “Screenwriting with pictures” *is awarded a *Training grant *to develop his/her story under tailor-made tutoring of professionals, which then leads to the drafting of a final *dossier for the feature or animation film project*. At the end of the training programme, depending on the commitment shown and the results achieved by the winner, the tutors may agree to award an additional prize of *1000 Euros.***
For further information about the Dolly section, check the following link: www.premiomattador.it/mattador-award-competition/ <www.premiomattador.it/mattador-award-competition/>
The Award winners get the chance to attend masterclasses, lectures and seminars on screenwriting and other cinema-related topics. Mattador also offers young talents the opportunity to see their stories published in the editorial series “/Scrivere le immagini. Quaderni di sceneggiatura/” (EUT University Press). For further information about the publications, do not hesitate to contact us or visit the *EUT* <www.eut.units.it/>**website for the digital version.
The Call for applicants and the updated DOLLY 2020/21 rules are available at the following link: *https://www.premiomattador.it/dolly-award-rules-2020-2021/* <www.premiomattador.it/dolly-award-rules-2020-2021/>
Applicants can submit their work from 15^th  February 2021 until 15^th  April 2021.
The Award ceremony will be held on Saturday 17^th  July 2021, in the /Sale Apollinee/ at Gran Teatro /La Fenice/, Venice.
Please find attached the Competition rules Extract and a flyer promoting the Dolly Award.**
We thank you in advance for your kind help in spreading the word about the Competition among your students and/or contacts.
Kind regards,
Carmela Carbone
*MATTADOR International Screenwriting Award*
Legal office: Via del Vignola 4 – Head office: Via Piccardi 27
34141 Trieste, Italy
Info: + 040 2333401 Tel.: +39 329 2153114
info@premiomattador.it <mailto:info@premiomattador.it>  – www.premiomattador.it/mattador-international-screenwriting-award/ <www.premiomattador.it/mattador-international-screenwriting-award/>
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