12 Apr

RUN FOR ART photo contest

Run for Art is a photo contest conceived by Studio Pivot and the Giulio Onesti Foundation. The intent is to combine art and sport, partnering up the creative energy of art and the force released by the movement in sport, through the artistic form that best expresses this union: photography.

The project is developed by Giulio Onesti Foundation, a non-profit organization for the promotion of culture and the values of sport.

The goal of the competition is to create an exhibition of pictures that expresses the values of sport in the broadest sense: sports available to art and vice versa.

The idea for the Run for Art is to follow the process a real sports competition: in each edition, 8 finalists are selected for every category, for a total of 40 photo that will constitute the exhibition.

HEME, CATEGORIES, DEADLINE – Entries must be received by 17th July 2016 at 11.59 P.M., in accordance with Art. 3 of the guideline. They must be inspired by one of the 5 proposed categories. The theme for Run for Art 2016 – Europe is Diversity. This word recognizes, respects and values all the differences, promoting an inclusive culture in every field:

  1. Ability Diversity
  2. Age Diversity
  3. Culture Diversity
  4. Ethnic Diversity
  5. Gender Diversity

Entries can be developed in several contexts, seeking a connection between art and sport and expressing one of the 5 categories.

ELIGIBILITY – All amateur and professional photographers and students between the age of 18 and 35, and European Union citizens are welcome to participate.

PRIZE AND EXHIBITION – 8 photos per category will be chosen. These will enter the final stage of the competition and will be displayed in September, and a location of the European Parliament. The 5 winners, one for each of the 5 categories, will be invited to attend the inaugural ceremony in Strasbourg.

For further information, please refer to the following website: www.runforart.com/

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