21 Nov.

SCHNELL BUCHEN! Es hat noch wenige Restplätze: Ableton Live 10 Einsteigerkurs in Wien

Ableton Live has become the quasi-standard for modern electronic music production both on stage and in the studio. We will learn Ableton Live 10 by creating a track while going through all parts of the software.
We start in the Session View by going through Live’s built-in instruments and effects.
Then we create beats and sequence sounds using Drum Racks. We then use synths that come with Live 10 like Analog, Operator and Wavetable to create atmospheres and melodies and work with samples using Simper and Sampler.
For further sound design we add Audio Racks and Audio Effects to our Instrument Channels and Return Channels.
We then draft the track by creating a pool of MIDI and Audio Clips sequencing the sounds and beats we created and finally record it live into the Arrangement View.
There we learn how to edit the arrangement we recorded and fine tune the mix by using Automation Curves. The last step is to export the track to a stereo file.
At the end of the course you will have a file of your track and know about all production steps within Ableton Live.
Der Unterricht wird, den Bedürfnissen der Teilnehmer.innen entsprechend, auf Deutsch und Englisch geführt.
The course can be held in English or German, or both, depending on the needs of the students.
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About the instructor: Peter Votava has almost 20 years of teaching experience and has been using and teaching Live for over 10 years. As well as being an experienced instructor, he is an active producer, performer and dj of electronic music both danceable and experimental since 1991 with his projects Pure, Current 909, Ilsa Gold and many more. He has over 30 physical releases on labels like aufnahme+wiedergabe, Holotone, Monolith, Stirpe999, Editions Mego and many more. He lives in Berlin and Vienna.
* Your own computer (Win or OSX) with either an authorized copy of Ableton Live 10 or a trial version. Instructions on how to get the trial are here: help.ableton.com/hc/en-us/articles/209071129-Live-Trial-Installation-and-Setup
* Please bring a pair of headphones
When: MONDAY 2.12.- THURSDAY 5.12.2019 19-22h
Where: Zentrale – Raum für Klang und Prozesskunst Neulerchenfelderstrasse 52, 1160 Wien zentrale.jetzt/
Course fee: 240 Euro
Registration: You need to register to have your place guaranteed. Please PM on Facebook or send a mail to courses@musicwithmachines.org to receive registration details. Please put the course title into the Subject line of the email.

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