18 Mrz

Fwd: Teaching Art Online Under COVID-19

 > > > View in browser | hyperallergic.com > > March 18, 2020 > > > Teaching Art Online Under COVID-19 > As we individually scramble to stock our pantries and secure our loved ones, we are also figuring out how on earth to switch our hands-on teaching of studio-based art to virtual platforms. > Kaitlin Pomerantz > > > > > > > What Hyperallergic Is Reading Right Now > Hyperallergic staff are all working from home these days and we thought we’d share what we’ve been reading in our private moments offline. > > > > > News > > > Rare Copy of Newton’s Principia Mathematica Discovered > A researcher accidentally found a first edition copy of the groundbreaking book hidden in a Corsica library’s shelves. > > > > > > > > Stay Connected With Weekly Artist Q&As on Instagram > As many artists and art lovers alike continue to hunker down at home, nonprofit Tiger Strikes Asteroid will launch its second edition of #AskTigerStrikesAsteroid, a new series of Q&As with artists. > Dessane Lopez Cassell > > > > > > > An Urgent List of Demands for Arts and Culture in the Face of NYC State of Emergency > The People’s Cultural Plan shares a list of demands in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including housing as a human right and free public education. > The People’s Cultural Plan > > > > > > > Joana Vasconcelos’s Bold, Feminist Sculptures Pop Against an English Landscape > Deliberately unsubtle, the central message of Vasconcelos’s work challenges the snobbery of the art world and champions the inclusion of women and outsiders. > Anna Souter > > > > > > Most Popular on Hyperallergic > 2,500 Museums You Can Now Visit Virtually > > “Viral” Movies About Outbreaks and Pandemics to Watch While You Social Distance > > A Daily Report on How COVID-19 Is Impacting the Art World > > A Look at a Formerly Lost, Glimmering Manuscript by Persian Poet Hafez > > Some of the Art World’s Largest Donors Have Paid Millions to Squelch a Wealth Tax > > > > Forward this newsletter to a friend! > If this email was forwarded to you, click here to subscribe > > > Hyperallergic, 181 N11th St, Ste 302, Brooklyn, NY 11211 > This email was sent to prinzessin@piselli.at. Manage your preferences to subscribe to our daily or weekly newsletters. > Forward > Preferences | Unsubscribe >

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